Based on the high number of fatalities resulting from the interactions between machinery and personnel reported in 2016, the HSE Committee decided to focus the 2017 workshop on this subject.

Speakers selected amongst contractors, operators, and consultants shared their experiences and knowledge on the hidden hazards that could lead to accidents. Discussions included the human factors and technology aspects involved as well as those that can prevent accidents from happening, with the objective of better integrating humans and machines into a safer work environment.


The agenda included the following presentations:

Preview Radar System
Mustafa Abusalah, CCC

Preview Radar System is a technology solution that detects both moving and stationary objects. The system was utilised by CCC to enhance safe working conditions and operations in the vicinity of Heavy Mobile Equipment. The system assists vehicle operators to detect objects and individuals in the vehicle’s blind spots in order to avoid striking and colliding accidents.

Feedback and Point of View from an Operator
Audrey Bodin, TIGF (Transport et Infrastructures Gaz France)

The presentation focussed on real accidents when casualties occurred and that demonstrate the importance of safety on a site where pedestrians and a variety of machines coexist by necessity. It also enticed listeners to reflect on the philosophy of warning devices.

Man & Machine: the Right Fit
John Haynes, Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG

TAP routing is accross many varied landscapes, from flat lands, high water tables to very steep slopes. During the initial construction period, they had identified issues with side boom operator experience and familiarity of machine and terrain. John Haynes used this example to explore the man/machine interface, technology changes and how this can lead to hidden hazards when introducing updated equipment.

Humans and Machines: the Hidden and Not So Hidden Hazards
Alan Quilley, Safety Results

The human/machine interface is much more important to Health & Safety Management than just Ergonomics. Human behaviours and thinking about and around machines can, and does, cause serious problems. High energy machinery does significant damage when that energy comes into contact with the very vulnerable human body. Using the Energy/Barriers model of Incident Causation married with our knowledge of human thinking and behaviour can and will greatly assist us in our hazard evaluation and control.

Group Presentations

In the afternoon, attendees had the opportunity to debate the subject in smaller groups to discuss the following:
things I will STOP doing
things I will START doing
things I will CONTINUE to do
things I will MEASURE to make sure they continue to happen

Group 1 
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7

For the first time, IPLOCA offered a webcast for part of the H&S Workshop and the Novel Plenary Session.

Delegates choosing this option had the opportunity to watch all presentations live online and to ask questions in writing through a web link.

The workshop was organised in conjunction with the Novel Construction Initiative Fall Session. To learn more about this event, please click here.