Company Sponsored Scholarships
Would your company like to promote education and sponsor an IPLOCA Scholarship?
Since the scholarship programme’s inception in 2016, IPLOCA has offered 20 scholarships annually, valuing USD 4,500 each, to children and grandchildren of employees of IPLOCA member companies who wish to further their education in college, university or vocational school programmes.
In recognition of the importance of education and to encourage the next generation, IPLOCA is pleased to offer the possibility to IPLOCA member companies to sponsor a scholarship.
Sponsorship of the Scholarship Programme helps additional students achieve their career and education goals. Being awarded a scholarship is an empowering experience for students and a great way for companies to provide community support for the next generation’s start in the workforce.
If your company would like to make a contribution or fully sponsor one or more scholarships, please contact Georges Hage, IPLOCA Executive Secretary at