Bertet Chantier de pipeline en Haute Marne Prises de vues réalisées pour la société BERTET Photographe : Yves CHANOIT Sept 2017

About Bertet

For more than 40 years, the BERTET company has offered services opening trenches for pipeline construction of all diameters, mining bulk excavation and the most complex earthworks in rocky and abrasive areas. It has been involved in major pipeline projects in France, working with international contractors operating on behalf of Gaz de France, Esso, Exxon and many others.

In recent years, BERTET has started exporting its services to Europe and participated in the opening of trenches on the Greek section of the Trans Adriatic Project. It has now expanded its field of expertise to Africa, the Middle East and South America, working alongside international partners. With its large fleet of specialized equipment, BERTET is able to provide support to customers in all projects requiring in-depth expertise to open trenches in the most aggressive soils and inhospitable terrain.