About Primoris Services Corporation (PSC)
Primoris Pipeline Services is committed to being the value and customer solutions leader in pipeline, underground utility,
and related facility construction.
We have tremendous experience in all forms of pipeline construction for crude oil, natural carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water/sewer regardless of the challenge or size and length; in all types of terrain, ground, and subsurface conditions; and with congested and remote conditions. Primoris provides best in class pipeline facility construction for compressor stations, pump stations, meter stations, terminals, and plants. We service our customers through the life of their assets; providing comprehensive pipeline integrity solutions,performing maintenance and field services, and modifying facilities as necessary to expand, improve, modify, or extend the asset life. Our pipeline and underground utility offering is enhanced by our trenchless business with micro‐tunneling and pipe jacking focus plus traditional bore and horizontal directional drill (HDD) offerings.