Wasco Energy Ltd. Coating of Pipes for Nord Stream 2 in a Wasco plant (08.06.17) in Kotka Foto: Axel Schmidt www.axelschmidt.net

About Wasco Energy Ltd.

Wasco Energy specializes in pipe coating and corrosion protection services.

Our comprehensive offerings include Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coating, Multi-Layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating, Three Layer Polyethylene (3LPE) coating, Three Layer Polypropylene (3LPP) coating, Asphalt Enamel (AE) coating, Concrete Weight Coating (CWC), internal lining, custom coating, Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA) coating, Syntactic Polyurethane flow assurance coating, Multi-Layer Polypropylene (solid, foam, and syntactic) flow assurance coating, and Low Density Foam pipe-in-pipe solutions. Additionally, we provide a range of engineering services to support these products.