Regional Meeting France
Our Regular Members Entrepose, SPIECAPAG and Serimax organised a Regional Meeting for France on 5 June at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Roissy Charles de Gaulle. IPLOCA Director for Europe Mediterranean Jacquelin de La Porte des Vaux and Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga were onsite to greet attendees and answer their questions.
The programme included presentations in French by representatives of local companies from the industry as well as a visit of the Serimax welding and field joint coating facilities. The event provided opportunities to meet IPLOCA members and guests from the region.
To review the complete agenda, please click here.
Activités et initiatives de IPLOCA
Juan Arzuaga, Secrétaire Exécutif, IPLOCA
Présentation des projets GRTgaz
Jean-Marie Corroy et Franck Lainault, GRTgaz
Présentation des projets Teréga
Vincent de Toffol, Direction Finance Achats, Teréga
Présentation de Serimax
Frédéric Castrec, Serimax
Présentation Solutions Soudage Serimax
Stéphane Allain, Directeur Opérations, Serimax
Bumi Armada : Offshore marine & subsea construction – Asset & profile
Yvan Ser, Bumi Armada