Annual Convention Retrospective, Sorrento, Italy
More than 520 members and guests had the pleasure of meeting up once again at the Annual Convention held in Sorrento, Italy from 9 to 13 September 2024.
This year, the programme incorporated two days of Open General Meetings and three days of cultural programmes. An excellent line-up of speakers included Diana Anghel, Mark Bridgers, Michele Caramuta, Peter Cox, Darren Matkin, Maria Sferruzza and Duncan Stevens. Topics discussed included effective leadership, health & safety, energy transition and AI’s role in the industry. Delegates had the privilege to listen to presentations from two major European operators, IPLOCA Corresponding Members Eni and Snam, about their projects and strategies.
In addition to the business meetings, registered delegates were able to take part in many social events. This year’s tour programme included visits to the two UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the quaint coastal town of Positano, the National Museum in Naples – without doubt, one of the best archaeological museums in the world, and Sansevero Chapel where delegates discovered the Veiled Christ – a masterpiece fashioned from a single block of marble.
Business Opportunities
Poster Sessions were held during the coffee breaks at the Open General Meetings, allowing people the time to visit and ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere. These sessions were given by CRC Evans, Cyntech Group, Denso GmbH, PipeSak Incorporated, Sherwin-Williams U.K. Ltd., Tesi S.p.A, Vermeer Corporation, Winn & Coales and World Pipelines Magazine International. Ten-minute B2B meetings were hosted by A. Lamb Associates Limited, American Augers, Bechtel Energy Inc., Fluor Corporation, Gascontrol Polska Sp. z o.o., Herrenknecht AG, Sicim S.p.A., Spiecapag, Tesi S.p.A. and Vermeer Corporation.
Annual General Meeting
IPLOCA Executive Secretary Georges Hage opened the AGM and welcomed the delegates. President Roberto Castelli presented his ‘Year in Review’ during the Annual General Meeting, and was pleased to confirm that, amongst other objectives, the Board had successfully developed a new format for the Novel Construction Sessions and put in place a plan to involve young professionals in the Association. The results of the 2024-2025 Board of Directors elections were ratified. Also, the IPLOCA audited accounts for 2023 were approved and the auditors re-appointed for the 2024 financial year.
Amendments to the IPLOCA By-laws were proposed and considered approved since no objections were raised. The Board proposed granting Associate Members the same rights and obligations as Regular Members when their representative becomes an Officer on the Board, defining the Treasurer’s term of office, and amending clauses that contradict Article 12.2 related to the the annual membership fee due date. The incoming President, Yasar Giregiz, closed the meeting with his objectives for the coming term.