J. Murphy & Sons Ltd. Wins Tender of Grain LNG ‘Capacity 25’ Main Site Works
J Murphy & Sons is proud to announce that is has been selected as National Grid Ventures’ delivery partner to design and build the ‘Main Site Works’ workstream of ‘Capacity 25’, Grain LNG’s capital expansion and enhancement project in the U.K. Currently the Grain LNG site can deliver circa 25% of the U.K.’s gas demand and is able to store up to 1 million m3 of LNG. Following completion of the project, Grain LNG will be capable of meeting around one third of the U.K.’s gas demand and storage at the site will increase to 1.2 million m3.
This expansion will be achieved primarily through the installation of three boil off gas compressors along with the installation of a new local equipment room; two new submerged combustion vaporisers; and, two new export tank pumps. The competitive tender process ran from March to late September before Murphy was appointed preferred bidder in October, with contract award and contract start in November 2021. The Main Site Works project will take place in parallel to the construction of the additional LNG storage tank project, with commissioning in early 2025 and will be ready to accept and process the additional LNG capacity from mid-2025.