Max Streicher FSRU Connection For Snam Rete Gas

Max Streicher S.p.A. recently completed the activities for the connection of a new FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) installed in the port of Piombino (Italy) to the national gas pipeline network of Snam Rete Gas.
The project included the construction of the infrastructures for the docking of the ship carrying LNG, the pipes for the discharge of the regasified gas and the facilities and pipes for the connection to the gas pipeline network. The pipeline work involved the construction of a 2.5 km long pipeline DN 1200 (48”), 1,300 m of which was designed to bridge the sea section between the harbour quay and the mainland using the “Direct Pipe” method and 1,000 m to cross a swamp area. On the other hand, the project included 12.2 km long double pipeline DN 650 (26”) containing two crossings of the river Cornia with a length of 582 m each, executed by HDD drilling and a receiving station with all metering systems. The special features of the project were the urgency in the implementation due to the current gas and materials shortage as well as the fast speed of the work schedule to cope with the gas emergency plan laid down by the Italian government.
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