Keyword: 2020

New Opportunities for Pipeline Contractors in the Energy Transition Era

Renzo ChirulliApplications Specialist - Pipeline, Vermeer Corporation Visit website
Download-VERMEER - R. Chirulli - New opportunities for pipeline contractors in the energy transition era (pdf - 5MB)

Earthquakes, Geohazards, and Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Onshore and Offshore Gas Pipelines

Prodromos Psarropoulos Structural & Geotechnical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)Visit website
Download-Earthquakes, Geohazards, and Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Onshore and Offshore Gas Pipelines (pdf - 4MB)

Fibre Optic Leak Detection and Integrity Monitoring for Pipelines

Jose Maria AlvarezSales Manager, Omnisens SAVisit website
Download-Fibre Optic Leak Detection and Integrity Monitoring for Pipelines (pdf - 3MB)