Gascontrol Polska completes fuel gas installation
Gascontrol Polska has completed the main works commissioned by Polimex Mostostal in the “Construction of the CHP Czechnica-2” project. Natural gas will serve as the energy source.
Project goals include a 61% reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions, as well as 18x less nitrogen oxides, 77x less sulfur oxides, and 7x less particles emissions. The annual primary energy savings are expected to reach approximately 600.000 MWh. The CCGT (combined-cycle gas turbine) plant together with a peak-reserve boiler plant and heat accumulator, will have a thermal capacity of 315MWt and an electrical capacity of 179MWe.
Gascontrol Polska’s scope of work included the construction of a complete fuel gas installation for the CCGT, including but not limited to a high-pressure supply pipeline, internal distribution pipelines for turbines and boilers, engineering and construction of a gas treatment station (52.000ncmh) and commissioning of the installation. The EU awarded subsidies for the project. The investor was Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich Kogeneracja, owned by PGE Energia Ciepła of the PGE Group.
In March 2023, Gascontrol Polska completed a related project, the “Connection of the CHP Czechnica-2.” The scope of works included the construction of the DN500 MOP84 pipeline and gas distribution station with a capacity of 200.000ncmh. The investment was made by the Polish Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.