Michels Building 55 km of Canadian Pipeline

Michels is constructing 55 km (34 miles) of NPS 36 pipeline through British Columbia’s Lower Mainland to provide safe, responsibly sourced oil to the world. Michels’ work is divided into two spreads: the 34 km (21-mile) Spread 6 and 21 km (13 miles) Spread 7A of the Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline in Canada.
Michels is employing conventional and trenchless pipeline construction techniques to build the pipeline through river and road crossings, wetlands, farmland with high water table, golf courses, school yards, as well as urban and rural neighborhoods. The trenchless crossings include numerous auger bores and directional bores as well as six Direct Pipe installations and five Horizontal Directional Drill installations. At its peak, Michels will have up to 1,500 people working on this complex project. Trans Mountain Expansion Project is the twinning of the existing 1,143 km (710 miles) pipeline between Strathcona County, Alberta and Burnaby, B.C. The original Trans Mountain Pipeline was built in 1953.
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