Further Awards for Streicher’s Fully Electric Driven Horizontal Drilling Rig

Since winning the 2021 IPLOCA New Technologies Award and being a runner-up for the 2021 IPLOCA Health & Safety Award, Streicher’s first fully electric driven horizontal drilling rig, the HDD80-E has recently won two further awards: German Innovation Award 2022 (Machines & Engineering category) and Red Dot Award 2022 (Product Design category).
The German Innovation Award honours products and solutions that distinguish themselves primarily through user-centricity and added value, compared to previous solutions. Above all, the high degree of innovation of the HDD80-E and the resulting ecological and economic advantages were taken into account. The Red Dot Award is the most popular design competition worldwide.
The fully electric driven HDD80-E won the Product Design category, due to its aesthetic and ergonomic design. Moreover, the jury was convinced by the low noise level and the valuable contribution to environmental protection based on the fully-electric rig design. Currently the company’s portfolio of future-oriented and sustainable technical solutions of the label ecotec also includes an electric welding tractor (PW150-E). A smaller horizontal drilling rig with a thrust/pullback load of 45 tons (HDD45-E) is now in production.
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