SACDE and Techint Take Step Forward in Key Project for Argentina

SACDE and Techint Engineering & Construction, in an equal part consortium, are currently building sections 1, 2 and 4 of the President Nestor Kirchner Pipeline (GPNK), an infrastructure project of 573 km in 36” that aims to increase Vaca Muerta output (the second largest unconventional gas reserve in the world), by expanding gas transportation capabilities, carrying it to consumption centres up and down the country.
Sections 1 and 2 extend 440 km in 36” from Tratayén, Neuquén Province to Salliqueló, Buenos Aires Province, passing through Río Negro and La Pampa provinces. These sections involve the measuring and operation facilities required for the construction of the pipeline, such as scraper traps, block valves and metering stations.
Also, in order to accelerate the construction, some technologies were implemented: a double joint plant to weld pipes of 12 mts into one single piece of 24 mts and, the automatic welding system, used for the first time in the country, to weld 36” diameter pipes. In section 4, other works are being performed to increase the capacity of the pipeline: the duplication of the NEUBA II pipeline near Ordoqui Compressor Plant in Buenos Aires province, extend 30 km in 36” and the new 83 km, 30” Mercedes – Cardales gas pipeline (including scraper traps, block valves and metering facilities) that will create an interconnection route between the North and South gas transportation systems.
More about SACDE, Sociedad Argentina de Construcción y Desarrollo Estratégico S.A.