Electric Arc with OHL
In a cloudy and humid day, a sideboom was travelling under a High Voltage Overhead Power Line (10 kV) when…
HSE Download-2022-11_SAFETY ALERT_Electric arc with OHL_en (pdf - 236KB)Hitting the Medium-Voltage Cable (MS-10KV) with a Long-reach Excavator Bucket
Excavation waterway crossing (sheet piling) around MS cable.
HSE Download-Denys QSHE Alert 2021-06 (pdf - 549KB)Buried Services
Underground services risk is ranked high both in probability, given its recurrence, and in the consequence potential severity, when buried…
HSE Download-LESSON LEARNT_07_2020_Buried Services (pdf - 351KB)Electrocution while interchanging the phases of an energized female socket
A fatal accident occurred at a CCC Project in Qatar when an electrician was electrocuted to death while interchanging the…
HSE Download-SA3-Electrocutionwhileinterchangingthephasesofanenergizedfemalesocket (pdf - 404KB)