T-Rex & Safety Revolution
With the aim of enhancing Safety during operations Bonatti chose to design and manufacture an innovative type of pipe layer:…
HSE Download-2018T-RexSafetyRevolution_Description (pdf - 1MB)Safety Tag for lifting parts
Spiecapag has defined a "safety tag or flag" format for the pin of sensitive lifting elements.
HSE Download-Spiecapag-2018HSAward-SafetyFlag2 (pdf - 770KB)Off-the-job Safety campaign
TEKFEN conducted a series of trainings, to raise awareness about the possible hazards of pipeline construction.
HSE Download-TEKFENHSAwardPresentation-OffTheJobSafety-2018 (pdf - 3MB)Go-Green 100% Portable Power Cabin
Use solar technology and recyclable ecofriendly material to set up a conventional portable power cabin that will be fully equipped…
HSE Download-CCC - Go-Green 100% Portable Power Cabin (pdf - 1MB)Streicher’s drilling fluid RECYCLE plant
Horizontal drillings have a high environmental sustainability, as a trenchless laying of pipelines and cables is made possible. However, this…
HSE Download-STREICHER_2018_Env_Award_Entry_Short_Presentation (pdf - 976KB)Use of Biologically Degradable Lubricants
Ensuring that there is no danger of toxicity in case of accidental spill becomes a priority for anyone who wants…
HSE Download-Sicim - Biologically Degradable Lubricant (pdf - 2MB)Global community project fund
Fluor is committed to creating sustainable communities where our employees live and work.
HSE Download-Global Community Project Fund (pdf - 4MB)Alegria do Ambriz project
One of the key drivers of Saipem’s success and recognition worldwide has always been the creation of long-term value.
HSE Download-"Alegria do Ambriz" Project (pdf - 1MB)Contribution to seasonal workers’ families and children
TEKFEN Social and Community Relation Team conducts consultation with the families, local authorities and NGO’s to conduct surveys and develop…
HSE Download-Contribution to Seasonal Workers' Families and Children (pdf - 5MB)The Eagle-Trainer programme
The use of videos recorded by drones for training and awareness of personnel on project.
HSE Download-"The Eagle-Trainer" (pdf - 1MB)Robot Road Safety Manager
Evaluation of drivers carried out by a robot instead of an officer.
HSE Download-Road Safety Initiative - Robot Road Safety Manager (pdf - 3MB)